Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gardasil Dilemma

I was listening to WPFW 89.3 some time this week and they were discussing the law in the Disctrict of Columbia that mandated the vaccine GARDASIL to all girls entering the 6th grade in DCPS. I understand the reason they feel it is important to give the vaccine to women but it just isn't safe for girls. Instead of taking the time and money it takes to mass produce and distribute this vaccine they can spend it on more research. As I was researching this topic I can across a few websites that were dedicated to exposing the side effects of this vaccine on young girls-and the more I read the more angry I got.

The vaccine only contains 2 of the 15 high risk HPV types that can lead to cervical cancer and the other 13 are not protected at all. Instead of pushing for the vaccine why don't they push harder for annual PAP smear testing, which is another way to reduce to risk of HPV. By educating women about the reproductive system you are saving money as well as promoting a overall healthy lifestyle. The parents and residents should be in an outrage right now why are they pushing this crap on poor children in the city.

The first report that was filed in the District of Columbia by the National Vaccine Information Center gave a very detailed account of a young 14 year old that had severe neurological side effects form the first injection. "Already, there have been more than 600 reports made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System documenting that young girls are collapsing and suffering seizures, loss of sensation in the hands and feet, vision and speech problems, Guillain Barre syndrome, facial paralysis, and other serious neurological symptoms. Merck also admits in its product insert that GARDASIL was not studied for the ability to affect female fertility, cause other kinds of cancer or be toxic to the genes."

There is also very little or no scientific evidence that Merck's GARDASIL will actually protect 11 year old girls from getting cervical cancer considering it only contains 2 out of the 15 that can manifest into cervical cancer. They are also not telling you that "90% of boys and girls who become infected with HPV, and are asymptomatic clear the infection from the body. It takes many years of chronic infection for undiagnosed pre-cancerous cervical lesions to progress to cervical cancer, usually because the women have not had routine cancer -detecting pap smears. Cervical cancer has dropped by more than 74 percent in the US since pap smears became part of routine health care for women and today less than one percent of all cancer deaths and newly diagnosed cancers are due to cervical cancer in America."

So remind me again why have they passed this vaccine into law?? This to me seems that it has one agenda in mind and it's monetary gains they will achieve by scaring everyone to thinking that this vaccine is good for young girls. I am a mother of a nine year old girl and she will NOT have this vaccine-first I am promoting abstinence and when she turns 35-I will let her out of the basement!

No, really I see that our society has not changed much they are still wolves in sheep clothing that are out to destroy and conquer, but it is the parents job to weed them out. This is one of those times where parents all over need to band together and say no to GARDASIL it just isn't safe-no one knows the long term effects of this drug and it could potentially be devasting to young girls and it just isn't neccesary.

Here is a link to one of the sites I found about the side effects of GARDASIL-You will not believe your eyes!