Sunday, April 19, 2009

The "Lil Wayne" Craze

Recently I had the displeasure of listening to Lil Wayne's new single. Fortunately I do not know very much about the song except that it has been played on the local radio stations with edits. However, the chorus repeats, "I wish I could F*** every girl in the world"!. And while this is one of many, this song has a connotation and blatant disrespect to both men and women in general that I find unparalleled to other songs used as a single.

It is clear that the general public, or at least those the prescribe to this genre or music, has become extremely tolerant of this kind of message. It begs the question, is little Wayne simply the most chauvinistic, small minded, VD wad or is he only the art imitating the life... ? In my estimation, it is probably a little bit of both which is always the dispute around this kind of music. Musicians only make the music because they know that someone will by it. Why will someone buy it? That is the question. This song should be offensive to every women in the world, literally.

This young man and many of his listeners probably believe that this is some type of compliment. That women are so wonderful that he wishes that he could be with all of them. Ignorance will tell you that this is the case. However, women are constantly and consistently seen as simply a nice place to put someones erection and nothing more. That it is even close to being something that a women would find flattering is saying what men think about what women think of themselves.

It is also clear that perhaps we have not come so far. This man is glorified and seen as more manly because while he cannot screw every girl in the world, he will try and sing it in a song. Whereas a woman would be condemned for that kind of obscenity. Not even Lil Kim has said she would like to sleep with every man in the world. It is as if a woman is only as good as her vagina. The lyrics of this song include sleeping with mentally challenged people! How horrid!

It is extremely disturbing to know that, while this is not perhaps how Lil Wayne lives his life, he has no problem encouraging all males to think of all women as opportunities to have intercourse and to help women be even more confused about their own sexuality and usefulness in life outside the bedroom.

P.S. Lil Wayne, perhaps next time you would like to exclude your mother and child from this lovely aspiration.