Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Price of Having Children

On just about every morning show lately you have heard something about the new octuplets. But instead of this being a joyous occasion like it normally is the new mother, 33 year old Nadya Suleman has been receiving a mountain of negative publicity. I am trying to understand why?? In the past when women have had multiple births it is celebrated at large. In this case what is the problem?? Is it because she is single or is it because she does not fit the typical image of the usual multiple birth mother. In other words, married homemaker with no education and relies on her husband completely financially. I believe Nadya is like no other mother of multiples before her. The big issue seems to be the fact that she gets "food stamps" to provide food for her family and I am sorry to say this-but she is not the only woman in America receiving "food stamps" . With the current economic crisis in the U.S. the face of "food stamp" recipients is not what is was in the past. Many Americans are feeling the pinch of this economic situation the fact that she receives food stamps does not make her less worthy of receiving positive media coverage. CNN reports on their website, not that the children are healthy and doing well, but "behind the kisses and the coos is a mountain of bills and you might be paying the bill" what a horrible take on the birth of human beings. The only thing that is of significance is the medical bills?? Get over yourselves people! What happened to Huggies donating pampers, Oprah building a house for her, or what about the lifetime free groceries? In the past companies have lined up in the name of multiple births to lend a hand why not now? There is no law against having children and being unemployed, single, poor, uninsured or under insured. When that day comes we all will have bigger issues to deal with other than medical bills. If there were laws against having children when you are not financially prepared many of us would not be here.


  1. I totally agree. There was a time when having a large family was a blessing. When being an only child made you a minority. I come from a family that in the past had a large numbers of offspring and many of the happy memories are from times of pulling together. The funniest stories come from those told about 4 or 5 siblings either being mischievious or protecting eachother. I'm sure that there have been many connections made to what has become important to America it's money and power, and what has fallen by the waistside. It seems that family love and values have been put on the backburner. Maybe we all need to wake up and see the big picture. All the money and power in the world won't keep you happy, and you can't take it with you but as long as you have a big family, full of love to go home to there's nothing that you can't accomplish in this world. There will always be a chance for your children to continue your work in making this world a better place.

  2. I agree with what your saying completely. This woman shouldnt be scrutinized for using food stamps or help from the government to take care of her children. There are many respectable women out there who do the same thing, and theres nothing wrong with that. I think mostly the reason that Nadya was being criticized is because people were questioning her reasons for having that many children. I wathched a special on it on Dr.Phil and many viewers thought the only reason that she was having these kids is to get more money from the government for her own benefit. Many people thought that she was using this money for plastic surgery rather than for the kids. I also think that she was being criticized because people were wondering how shed take care of 8 more kids if she cant even take care of the 6 she had. I dont think it was the fact that she was using food stamps or she wasnt the typical mom of mulitples.

  3. This story still makes me very upset, especially at the fact that this woman is a single mother now with fourteen kids. At one time it was great to have a a big family, but now with all the medical advances women can pop out babies like pez dispensors. Unfortunately we all are the ones who are paying for these kinds of acts of women having so many babies that they can not support. This woman is bringing children into the world that will live in a two bedroom house with her parents. These children will not have a equal chance of a better school and further education and they are apart of our future. Women and men should take alot of time to think about whether or not having a family would be the best for them and their future childrens future. A child should be brought into a stable home and environment not supported by my tax money.

  4. I agree with the aspects of her being a young women unemployed and who is to say she can't have that many kids without being viewed negatively. I feel as if she has to live at home with her mother and has difficulty taking care of her other kids, she should of looked at adoption or other things to make sure those babies have a good life. I also agree, that people are supposed to help out with things when there are situations like these, it happens to people all the time who don't deserve the help. I think that she does deserve some help with taking care of those kids, because they did not ASK to come into this world.
