Thursday, February 26, 2009

Disabled on TV

When I wake up in the morning I like to listen to the morning television shows to hear what the world thinks is important today. This morning I over heard a host talking about a British TV show for children called"CBeebies" that has a host named Cerrie Burnell who was born without the lower part of her right arm. The picture to the left shows the 30 year old host and co-host Alex Winters. When I first saw the picture I honestly didn't notice her arm missing, but some parents in the UK are terribly upset about it.

I was actually pleased to see woman born with a physical handicap was the host of a television show, in my opinion this would be the ultimate in acceptance towards disabled individuals. But instead of this being considered a significant step forward for disabled individuals equality, there were parents that complained about her presence on television. The BBC reports that, "parents had complained that their children were asking difficult questions about her missing arm" and some were "scared" of her. I am the mother of a nine year old daughter and for another parent to make a bigoted comment like is in the name of your child is despicable. You should use this time to teach your child about differences and how to accept them. A parent should love and accept their children not matter what they LOOK like and instill the very same thing in them- that looks do not matter it is who you are inside. Very basic social skills at least I thought, I do not believe children are asking their parents about "the one armed woman" I think the parents are ignorant, intolerant people that should be ashamed of themselves. Maybe the parents should watch a few episodes of the children's show they may learn a thing or two.

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