Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blame It On The What????

I went on recent trip to South Carolina and while driving I like to listen to the local channels to see what they consider worthy of the radio. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised and other times I am get exactly what I expect. Music that really isn't music just a beat from a beat machine layered with derogatory lyrics. On this occurrence I listened to the Jamie Foxx song "Blame It" I have vaguely heard the song but never really listened to the whole thing. I honestly was not that impressed with the lame chorus (it seemed a bit cheesy at first). On this trip I had the pleasure of hearing the song a whopping 23 times!! (can you believe it-and that was after I refused to count anymore) So of course the chorus is stuck in my HEAD!

I talked to my sister Kelly about what she thought of the song, she said to me "I love that song, it is so true!" So I went to YouTube watched the video and listened again with a in tuned ear. I began to think how many women can say they did things out of character because of alcohol? I came to the conclusion that probably a lot can think of a moment when they were under the influence and made a comment or had a little extra courage or even tried something they would not have under sober circumstances. So I ask why not "blame it on the alcohol"-the only problem I am having is that it really sends the message that it is OK not to be responsible for your actions. The world does not need another excuse for irresponsible risky behavior. Because unfortunately "blaming it on the goose" is what leads to rape and other unlabeled sexual assaults.

I read a article at regarding drinking and rape and I was amazed to read that women that are raped while intoxicated blame themselves and not the assailant for the assault. In some cases they don't even consider what happened to them rape, they respond "I was drunk, that doesn't really count" Just because you had too many drinks does not make you worthy of rape. A song like this does a huge injustice to the acts of rape that take place in the environment of intoxication. There should be a sense of responsibility from the artist to produce music that is not only entertaining but socially appropriate.

Just as a foot note-what is done in the dark will eventually come to light and the question will be just how far will blaming it on the alcohol take you?


  1. This post is so true! It is a shame how artists make it seem like alcohol is the way into a girls heart and pants. With artists making videos like that one it is showing women that when your drunk "it doesn't really count." I do hope that women out there realize that there is safety in numbers and to not be ashamed or unwilling to come forward and say if they have been sexual assaulted under the influence or raped. I think it is important for every girl party animal or not to be aware of her surroundings and educated about the scary reality of what could happen, because these music videos are not the reality of what really happens being drunk does not bring about fantasy guys or one night romantic stands.

  2. i do not know this song...however, having worked with young people in regards to alcohol, i do not think some are necessarily blaming the alcohol, but associating their alcohol use with an associated risky or negative behavior.....alcohol is a mood and mind altering drug and although it is unfortunate many negative and horrible things happen to many of those who over indulge the song came second to the behavior....perhpas if the behavior changed then the songs might reflect this change singing about character and strength or whatever :)

  3. I know this song and i have thought the very same thing about this song. It makes it seem like you can do whatever you want when you drink and not worry about anything because you have an excuse to blame it on something. You can blame it on the "alcohol" or types of drinks you had the night before. This song and music video sends kids and teenagers a very negative image.

  4. Drinking and being under the influence certainly is not an excuse for the things you do. You have control of your actions and society has made it so that you can "blame it on the alcohol". When consuming alcohol around others, I believe, you are trying to impress those around you. And because you are under the influence you think if you make yourself look stupid, or something goes wrong and someone gets hurt you can simply say "It was because I was drunk" and it will all go away and you'll be excused from it. Just like the poster said with rape cases. Instead of blaming their assailant, they blame themselves because "It was because I was drunk".

  5. i agree that people use many excuses for bad behavior. however alcohol is probably one of the most popular excuses. iv heard stories from friends where they did some crazy things and then they say "but i was drunk" like that changes what they did.
