Thursday, March 26, 2009

Looking Good Ladies!!

I was flipping through the cable channels this evening and I came across a show called "How To Look Good Naked" hosted by Carson Kressley. I was thrilled to see a show that celebrated women of all shapes, sizes and colors and in a very therapeutic way showed the women how to appreciate their bodies!!
On the episode I saw the host Carson takes two women(mother and daughter) places them in just a bra and under ware. And through a series of very clever task and techniques he shows the women how to feel good about their bodies and themselves. Carson showed the daughter three different body images, and asked her to pick the one that she thought had the best overall body.
Not knowing that one of the three bodies was hers and believe it or not she choose her own body! That spoke volumes to me, how can you look at your body everyday, shower your body and dress your body and not know what it looks like. Carson is able to address some real issues with real people that will prove to be a priceless form of intervention.
Society bombards us with images of beauty that are so far from what the average woman's shape is there's no wonder women are ashamed of their bodies.But in his own very unique way Carson has come up with a way to combat some of the negative stigmas attached to women that do not fit into mainstream beauty and I applaud his efforts. Great show!!


  1. I really liked how this image has all different shapes, sizes, races, etc. because it shows you that you can still look beautiful in your own skin. I don't understand how someone can barely identify there own body being happy inside of it or unhappy. Everyone needs to learn to be confident in their own skin.

  2. I've seen this show a few times before, And I think that it is probably the first thing ever produced and put on TV that DOESN'T lower your self esteem!!!! I remember that on one episode they blew up a huge picture of the girl and hung it from a building. they then went around asking people what they thought about the body. Several people had wonderful things to say of it, and you didn't hear one negative thing.

  3. Ahhh, I absolutely love that show. Not only does it make the people on the show feel better about themselves but it makes the people at home watching it feel better too! You can't get any better than that. I think it's shows like this that is throwing the idea that pretty is a perfect skinny model body, out the window. This is proveing that everyone is beautiful and that there is no deffinition for it. :)

  4. I think that this show is great! It shows such a positive image for women that may not be the "perfect" size 3. It makes the women on the show feel good about themselves as well as the people that are watching the show feel good about themselves which is always a good thing. It shows women not to be scared of their bodies if they are a size 12 rather than a size 3 or 0. It also shows people who have body image issues that its not just them who feel uncomfortable about the way that they look, there are other people out there who feel the same way. I think many more shows should be put out there like this one.

  5. I would love to watch this, I maybe we should all walk around in our bras and underwear. But it still doesn't change the image that everone else sees. This show is helping the individual see how beautiful they are but what happens when they are put down or critized in the real world. Does this undo everything the show did for them?

  6. There are so many women and girls who look in the mirror and see their bodies not as they truly are. They may see themselves as thinner or fatter then they actually are. It's good that there is a show that helps women to love the body they have and not the body they wish they had. Hopefully women will watch this show and be encouraged.

  7. I love this show. Society today tries to make the only way to be beautiful is to be skinny. When society does this, they push women to want to be skinny, which for some just isn't realistic. It's not that they don't live a healthy lifestyle, its that they just don't have those model thin bodies. This show empowers women to accept who they are and to be able to look in the mirror and say "Damn I'm hot!".

  8. that is pretty unusual that they would have something like that on tv considering what society sees as popular. but i have been seeing more and more shows about how skinny is beautiful. even the show "the biggest looser" the main goal is to lose wight. and yes it is to be healthier also. but then you got shows like next top model. for one i dont think any of thoes girls are attractive especially with their rib cages sticking out. it just seems to me that even when society tries to encorperate big people into the media their goal is to show people that getting skinny is the main perpose.
