Thursday, April 30, 2009

Gloria Steinem's Birthday???

OK...... who is Gloria Steinem???? I was looking for something to write about and it wasn't until my sister said who is Gloria Steinem and why do we care about her birthday that I realized I had an idea. (Even though this blog was due by midnight-so I am losing points while I am typing) But it really hit me-The media really tells us what they feel is important!!! Media is owned by corporate America and nothing is put in front of us with out a reason. It pisses me off for them to take advantage of our ignorance!!! Families all over think that the "killer tube" has something of impertinence and great significance to share with the rest of the world. But NO they want to control your every waking moment you are alive and have a half of a dime to spend.

Gloria Steinem just happened to catch this rage I really have nothing against specifically but I do have something to say about her birthday being on every Internet media site. What has she do that immediately effects me???? Why would I consider her birthday important??? That is what should be relayed not that fact that she is now 75 years old-my Nana is 82!!!!!!

I want that in the news she has raised 6 children she works full time, cuts her own grass, and cooks every Saturday a full course dinner just for all of the family to come together. That is worthy of news, a student that has broken unbelievable boundaries and is the first generation of college graduates is worthy of news!


  1. I agree with these comments, can not quite undrestand all of the words but what really does Gloria Stenem's birthday has to do with me? It really shouldnt be such a BIG deal that it needs to be posted everywhere. I think birthdays are importany yes...but why should one particular persons be such a BIG deal. I really don't care!!! LOL

  2. I agree that her birthday really shouldn't be the major highlight of the day. Her birthday doesn't affect me and likely not the person sitting next to me either. It's important to recognize each persons birthday, but does it truly have to be all over the internet? Gloria Steinem is a name that, like the poster, I have never heard.

  3. Yeah! I dont even know who the heck Gloria Stenem is? Who cares what she does? It's not like she saved someone who was drowning on her birthday. Now that would be different if something eventfull happened. But nothing happened it was just her birthday!
